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Ascott IFC 雅诗阁IFC
Ascott IFC 雅诗阁IFC
Ascott IFC 雅诗阁IFC
Ascott IFC 雅诗阁IFC

Ascott IFC

¥ 0-0/month
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Featured Description

Ascott IFC Guangzhou is located at Zhujiang New Town, offers both business and leisure travelers a total of 314 elegant and luxurious apartments. From one-bedroom units to three-bedroom apartments, each comes with a spacious living-dining area, and a quality family entertainment system, provides easy access to nearby dining and entertainment venues, shopping center, cultural and leisure attractions, including the Guangzhou Opera House, Guangdong Museum, G.T. Land Plaza and Happy Valley Shopping Mall.
Features & Facilities
  • Swimming Pool
  • Gym
  • Children’s Playground
  • Sauna





Disclaimer: The property information and pictures are only for your reference. The availability of all properties shown on website must be verified with the landlord, due to the rate of market turnover is very high.
+86 10 8449 8771
+86 158 1055 1004